Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My first Android Development book.

For fathers day, my wife got me my first Android Development book, Professional Android 2 Application Development by Reto Meier,Click here to see the details. I was very excited to crack it open and start developing.

My development background for the most part has been vb.net and C#. As you have previously, I start to jump into the Java pool, and the kool-aid taste great. Well Fathers Day was June 19th, today is July 6th. I have only gotten though the first two chapters, but already built a pretty useless with the book. I'm not saying that the book is useless, but what i am saying is by chapter two, Reto is already showing you how to start creating apps, and that's a good thing.

The bad this is that it took 48 pages of background noise to get there. That is something that I am not familiar with. Much talk in the start of a technical book. It is something that is hard for me to get through. The chapters are long and wordy but hopefully it will work out in the long run.

I hope to keep you posted on my progess with the book. I also look forward to the Hello, Android book comming out this month. Click here to see that book.